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Physical Artefacts
Development of the Electronic Thumb Grip Trainer Controller
The Varigrip Trainer
A thumb/finger gripper which can be used in rehabilitation
Participant A Using the Thumb Gripper (unmodified)
Trying out finger positions.
Participant C Using the Thumb Gripper (unmodified)
Ascertaining if participant with severe hemiparesis could use this device
Participant D Using the Thumb Gripper (unmodified)
Before modification. With First Finger.
Participant D: Varigrip Evaluation
Participant completed 40 repetitions of a thumb grip.
Prototype 1: Electronic Thumb Grip Trainer
Establishing ways to create an electronic connection with a press.
Prototype 2: Electronic Thumb Grip Trainer
Refining the use of the conductive Tape was on the tope of the device. However this was flimsy and broke off over time.
Prototype 3: Electronic Thumb Grip Trainer
Electronic Thumb Gripper. Putting the conductive tape under the top of the thumb presser. Then adding a 3.5mm switch at the end of the device. This worked as a prototype however the 'connection' was varied due to the conductive tape not always begin consistent.
Development of Stepmania level for Prototype 3.
developing a level for participant D using the 3rd prototype of the modified electronic thumb grip trainer
Prototype 4
Prototype 4 has taken a small on off switch and repurposed it to go on this thumb gripped. When the device is pressed it activates the on/off switch.
Prototype 4 (different tape)
Prototype 4 has taken a small on off switch and repurposed it to go on this thumb gripped. When the device is pressed it activates the on/off switch.
Prototype 4: Switch Press Up
Prototype 4 Switch Down
The switch when pressed will connect at the right position so that the switch will go on when pressed and when released will switch off. The positioning was important
Prototype 4 - with micro switch
trying to make the switch smaller and more seamless in the interface. however the connection was not consistent.
Testing prototype 4 without game
participant D testing the controller without the game.
Participant B : Trialing Thumb Gripper controller
participant B using Queen gaming level with electronic thumb controller
Prototype 5: Bluetooth Switch
using a bluetooth switch to make this switch portable. The small switch in the top of the device can transmit a key press. The difficulty was getting the button to be pressed. The round felt piece at the top was designed as a press system, but was uncomfortable. However as a prototype it could work...
Music: RColclasure
Gaming Platform: Stepmania
Gaming Level: RColclasure
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