Upper Limb Exercises:
Whole hand Palm extension
Whole hand palm extension Level 1 with metronome
download stepmania file for exercise.
17 Repetitions.
Aim: to increase range of motion of all fingers working together.
Objectives: To allow simultaneous motion of all fingers entending out from the palm
Method: relax your hand, place a switch underneath your palm. If necessary hold your thumb to allow for the other 4 fingers to extend freely. Draw your proximal joints in to raise your hand and then push your fingers out to flatten your fingers and your palm on to the switch.
The music has a guitar chord on the first beat of the bar. Use that guitar chord to guide you to when you need to press on the switch. The rhythm guitar ending the phrase gives an indication when to start to extend your fingers out again
Music: RColclasure
Gaming Platform: Stepmania
Gaming Level: RColclasure