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Music: RColclasure

Gaming Platform: Stepmania

Gaming Level: RColclasure

Upper Limb Exercises
Boxing Series


Novice Level: 11 Repetitions per game..


Assisted Forward Jab (as trialled by Participant C)

1. Starting Position: Start from a standing position with a straight back, engaged core muscles keeping your shoulders neutral and relaxed.

2, Clasp your hands together and position arms in front of your chest with elbows slightly bent

3. Extend your arms towards the switch placed in front of you, this switch positioning can be adjusted as far as you are able to reach either with fully straightened arms or with your arms slightly bent

Finish the jab by pressing the switch, then reverse the motion

Tips; Don't rush the movement, keep the motion controlled and in time with the music


Novice Level: 11 Repetitions per game..




Novice Level: 8 Repetitions per game..


Self-Assisted External Rotation Uppercut for Stroke Rehabilitation:

Arm Position Position the paretic arm with the elbow bent at  a 90-degree angle. The hand starting position by the waist with the palm in ulnar position and the thumb pointing upward.

Guided Rotation: Begin to move your arm up towards the switch in front of you, in time with the arrow.  Keep your elbow close to your as you rotate the forearm outward and upward.

Switch connection and placement. If using an XAC switch this can positioned upside down and can be placed as far as you are able to reach upwards with the movement.

Then carefully reverse the motion.

Music synchronisity: There is a synthesiser that will guide your motion upwards and then a voice will say 'hit the target' just before the arrow will need to be pressed. 



Novice Level: 18 Repetitions per game..


Start with your paretic relaxed at your side, with the palm facing in an ulnar position
Lift your arm then guide it (with your non paretic arm) across your chest toward the opposite shoulder.
Connect with the switch at the same time as the arrow appears on the screen
then guide your arm back to the starting position.

Synchronising with the Music.
Please view the game level demo. There are two guitar sounds for this movement, one to prepare the arm and execute the movement and one to drive the arm back to its starting position.
Take time to practise the movement with the music. If the music is too fast, you have the option to reduce the level speed by 25-75%

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