Upper Limb Exercises:
Assisted Bicep Curl
Music: RColclasure
Gaming Platform: Stepmania
Gaming Level: RColclasure
Aim:To enable an assisted Bicep Curl movement using the unimpaired arm to carry the weight of the impaired arm.
Objectives: This exercise will enable repetitions of a bicep curl. Start with then beginner levels then progress to the level 2 and then level 3.
Method: Relax your shoulders. Grasp your hands together, taking time to stretch your impaired hand and then be patient in fitting them together. Start from the switch, keeping your elbows on the table, raise your forearms up to your chin steadily and back down again.
The Beginner and Medium Levels have a 4 note pattern. Aim to hit the switch on the first note, come to your chin by the 3rd note and return back to the table to hit the first note again. Notes 2 and 4 should be halfway between the table and your chin.
The Hard level has a 2 note pattern. Hit the switch on note 1 and up to your chin on note 2. This is a fast and hard level for 10 minutes, with just under 300 repetitions.
If you have any pain, stop. Muscular and mental fatigue whilst doing these exercises is normal.